New Skin Laser Clinic

The Perfect Derma Peel in Toronto: Transform Your Skin

The Perfect Derma Peel Treatment in Toronto: Unveil Your Radiant Skin

Experience the transformative power of The Perfect Derma Peel, a medium-depth medical-grade chemical peel suitable for all skin types. This exceptional treatment addresses aging skin, acne, hyperpigmentation, and common skin concerns.

What Sets The Perfect Derma Peel Apart?

The Perfect Derma Peel stands out by incorporating Glutathione, a master antioxidant. Naturally produced by the body but diminishing with age, Glutathione fights free radical damage, enhances cellular health, and inhibits melanin production for a clearer and brighter complexion.

What are the key ingredients?

  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
  • Retinoic Acid
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Kojic Acid
  • Phenol
  • Glutathione
  • Vitamin C

Peeling Process and Appearance

Peeling typically commences around Day 3 post-application and concludes by Day 7. Initially, expect an orange tint, akin to sunburn, which may vary in intensity depending on skin tone. Whitening or frosting of the skin is also common.


Preparation and Treatment

No pre-peel preparation is required. Continue your regular skincare regime, but avoid retinoids for 3 days before your appointment. If using Accutane, discontinue usage for at least 12 months prior to treatment.

Number of Treatments and Duration

One treatment can notably improve overall skin tone and texture. For specific skin conditions like active acne and Melasma, multiple sessions may be necessary. Optimal results are often achieved with 2-3 treatment series.

Longevity of Results

Each peel delivers long-lasting results. Proper at-home care using suitable products ensures maintenance. Results may vary based on individual skin responses and specific peel outcomes.

Safe for All Skin Types

The Perfect Derma Peel is safe for every skin type (Fitzpatrick 1-6).

Comfortable Application Process

During application, you may experience a slight stinging or tingling sensation, which subsides within 30-60 seconds. A fan is provided for added comfort.

Minimal Downtime

Normal activities can be resumed immediately post-peel. However, avoid sun exposure, sweating, and heavy exercise during peeling.

Makeup Post-Peel

Avoid makeup or other products on the day of the peel. On Day 2, makeup can be applied.

Frequency of Treatments

The treatment can be repeated every four weeks if necessary. Maintenance sessions every 3-6 months are recommended for sustained results.

Suitable for Various Body Areas

While common on the face, the neck, chest, and hands can also be treated. Other body areas may be treated, but with varying results.

Improving Acne and Acne Scars

The Perfect Derma Peel is effective for improving acne and associated scars. A series of 3-4 peels is recommended for optimal results.

Results and Benefits

Expect reduction or elimination of hyperpigmentation, sun damage, Melasma, acne breakouts, scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores. Overall, skin tone and texture will noticeably improve.

Post-Peel Care

Use a gentle cleanser, Perfect Derma Moisturizer, and SPF from the provided kit during peeling. Avoid retinoids or glycolic products for ten days post-peel.

Restrictions and Considerations

Not suitable for pregnant or nursing individuals, those on recent Accutane treatment, or with specific allergies or skin conditions. Patients with a history of autoimmune disease or weakened immune systems may also be restricted. Always consult with your practitioner for personalized advice.